Participate in our Ongoing Research!

Thanks for your interest! Below are a list of studies for which we are currently recruiting participants. We are always updating this page. Check back soon for new opportunities.

Online surveys

  1. Early Menstrual Pain Experiences (EMPE) Study
    What: In our EMPE study we are aiming to conduct the largest Canadian longitudinal research study with youth to understand how period pain pain develop over time. We are tracking pre-teens and teens from prior to the start of their 1st period over 3 years. Participation involves completing an annual survey as well as monthly period diaries. Parents and youth are asked to complete surveys. We understand the commitment that longitudinal research studies involve and compensate participants for their participation throughout all study phases. Annual surveys are compensated ($25 to each the parent and the youth) and completion of monthly diaries results in an entry into regular draws for $50 gift cards.
    Who: Females aged 10-13 and one of their parents.
    How: To participate email or enter your information here and we will be in touch

  2. Examining parent perspectives on their teen's emotional experiences with chronic pain.
    What: Participation involves a 20-30 minute online survey.
    Who: Parents of a teen aged 13-18 with chronic pain and who is living in Canada.
    How: To participate visit

Lab-based or virtual studies

None currently recruiting, but check back soon for updates!